Tuesday, December 13, 2016

2016 Draws to a Close

Partnering the Butterfly Art Project

Body sculpture with the whole team

The days before Michaelmas, we from the Butterfly Art Project had the honour to work for three mornings with Briar and Michael Grimley from KalloSophia on "Inner Stability in Unstable Times".

We are based in Vrygrond, an overcrowded community with many backyard dwelllers and tiny houses with people and children living in severe poverty. We encourage creativity and healing through art. Presently we run art therapy and art classes for 1100 beneficiaries weekly.

Our team of 15 adults were held so gently and with respect for each one by Briar and Michael to research the inner-self in connection with balance, rhythm, resilience and stability.

There was time for play, poetry writing, individual reflection, sharing with the group, listening to biographical stories, carrying themes through the night and even body sculpture. Our favourite exercise was certainly the sharing of miracles happening in our own lives.

The past years we had gang violence and taxi wars happening in October, that's why October is feared for its violent potential. We got all ready and strong for anything October might bring with the help of the KalloSophia team. Thanks be to God, we had a peaceful and productive October at the Butterfly Art Project with few interruptions.

I, the director of BAP, recommend strongly a process for personal growth for any team caring for the well being of the individual. Being still, listening, getting to know oneself helped many of my staff to become stronger in their determination and direction. A real awakening of the "I". Priceless!

Thank you Briar and Michael - we look forward to continuing with you next year...

Angela Katschke

On the theme of Reverence

Click on the Gallery Tab for more photos.
Contact us if you and your team would like us to run a workshop for you...

Projective Geometry

Briar offered three Projective Geometry courses under the umbrella: Geometry for the Joy of It!

Two were shortened courses to focus on the essence of what is needed for the third course, which she offered for the first time: Further Explorations with Conic Sections.

What fun we all had! From lines and curves emerged the most extraordinary patterns - participants became so absorbed it was hard to stop for meals!

Click on Gallery Tab for more photos

Ariadne and the Golden Thread

In the beautiful Well at Temenos Retreat in McGregor Briar gave an overview of the context of Greek Mythology and then told the story rich in imagery and deep in meaning.

The next day at the Breede Centre the story was penetrated further and Michael led everyone through an artistic experience. We also walked the labyrinth at Temenos after a hearty lunch before gathering again to complete and share our art works.

There were calls for further Greek Myths...

Click on Gallery tab for more photos

And Now to 2017...
Very unexpectedly we have bought a family plot in McGregor and will be building on it during the first half of next year. For this reason we will not be doing any travelling during that time. Depending on how the project unfolds we might offer something in McGregor. Our courses and travels during the second half of the year are in process of being planned... we will be in touch as soon as they are confirmed.

We would like to thank all of you who have so warmly enriched our lives this past year - your willingness to participate and enter into what we have to offer deeply enriches us and builds lasting connections with so many of you very special people. We have shared precious moments - blessings that we will carry into 2017. 
We hope too that your experiences with us strengthen and nourish you as you fulfil your wordly tasks in a world that can be so confusing and even devastating.

As we approach Christmas, may we look beyond the bright lights and seductive shops to our fellow human beings - family, friends, and those many human souls in heart-breaking need, and reach out in whatever small and significant ways we can find.

As we step into 2017, may Hope and Love prevail.

With our love,
Briar and Michael